
Proposal by David Gates by Augustine Carr

David Gates supporting text for edgelands our proposal for Peckham 24 in May.

“based on Blanchots assertion that poets must practice a peripheral vision we have selected a group of artists whose use of photography may also be seen to inhabit the edgelands.

ailbhe ni bhriain   

augustine carr

hannah hughes

kaspar pincis

neil gall

david gates

nicky hirst

all the artists in this proposed show lean on photography, they trust it, they bear down on it, they test its strength, its rigidity, they feel around for where it cracks, bends, breaks, stretches, distorts, and use this newly found material to weave and mould in a new undiscovered direction, an unknown and improvised dance, an untrodden path of overlaps, cross references, nods and winks. they kick start the image back into action, refusing its recession, they hold it open to the possibility of possibilities, plunging through the surface into unknown spaces, spaces which are singular, odd and very much alive.”